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MAXIMISING BUSINESS VALUE: Succession Planning & Exit Planning for Small - Medium Businesses

September 12, 2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (NZST)


Future-proof your business: Master Succession & Exit Planning

Unlock the full potential of your small or medium-sized business with a comprehensive workshop on succession planning and exit planning. Learn how to prepare for the future, secure your company's legacy, and achieve your personal and financial goals.


  • The importance of succession planning and exit planning for your business.
  • The key components of effective succession and exit plans
  • How to differentiate between succession planning and exit planning
  • How succession & exit planning effects the value of your business
  • Practical steps for implementing these strategies in your business workshop.
  • How well is your business prepared?
  • Included: Real life example business cases.

All participants will receive a free year of membership to Small Business New Zealand and a business eBook (A Great Little Business) upon completion of the event.


This event will run for 3 hours. Morning tea will be provided.


Ruakura Conference Centre

Please click here for a map of the Park showing specific parking areas. Please ensure you are parked in the areas marked Tenant and Visitor Day Parking rather than the 90min visitor parking areas.

Need directions? Please click the link.


Entrance to this event is $15 for SBNZ members and $35 for non-members.

All participants will receive a free year of membership to Small Business New Zealand and a business eBook (A Great Little Business) upon completion of the event.

Contact Information

Small Business New Zealand
Name: Philip Wicks

Register for this event below. If you are an existing member of SBNZ, remember to sign in to receive discounted admission.

We're sorry. No registrations are currently available. You may wish to contact the event organizer for assistance.
{{ vm.EventInfo.ErrorMessage }}

Select Registration Options


Exhibitor Opportunities

Name Price Att Qty
{{ et.Name }}
{{ et.IncludedAttendeesCount }} {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType }} Remaining {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit
{{ et.Remaining }} Remaining
Sold out

Attendee Registration Options Total Remaining: {{ vm.EventInfo.VacantSpotsPerEvent }}

Waiting List Available
{{ vm.stats.totalAttendeesCount }} Registered , {{ vm.OverallOverAmount() }} on Waiting List , {{ vm.OverallOverAmount() }} Over Limit
Name Price Qty
{{ rt.Name }}
{{ rt.IsMemberOnly ? ' (Members Only)' : '' }}
Limit: {{ rt.LimitPerPurchase }}
Included Attendees: {{ rt.AttendeesCountPerOneRegistration }}
{{rt.Price | currency }} {{rt.PriceAfterDiscount | currency }} {{ rt.Price | currency }}
{{ rt.RemainingPerType }} Remaining
{{ rt.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List
{{ rt.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit

{{'[[Sponsorship]] Opportunities' | localizeString:'['}}

Name Price Att Qty
{{ st.Name }}
{{ st.IncludedAttendeesCount }} {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType }} Remaining {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit
{{ st.Remaining }} Remaining
Sold out

Registration Information


Exhibitor - {{er.Name}}

Exhibitor #{{ $index + 1 }}

Total: {{exhibitor.TotalPrice | currency}} {{ exhibitor.IsBenefit ? "- Included as a Benefit" : exhibitor.IsDiscounted ? "- Discounts have been applied" : ""}}
Exhibitor Directory
Primary Contact
Booth Information
Additional Information
Additional Items

Attendee - {{er.Name}}

{{ att.getAttendeeTerm(vm.EventSettings.AdditionalAttendeesTerm, $index) }} #{{ att.getAttendeeIndexDisplay(vm.EventSettings.AdditionalAttendeesTerm, $index) }}

Total: {{att.TotalPrice | currency}} {{att.DiscountMessage | localizeString:'['}}
A No Show fee is being assessed for {{fee.EventName}} on {{fee.EventStartLocalTimeString}}.



Additional Information
Event Sessions


{{slot.SelectedSession.SessionDescription + (slot.HasFees ? " (Price: " + (slot.PriceTotal | currency) +")" : "")}}

Additional Items

{{'[[Sponsorship+]]' | localizeString:'['}} - {{er.Name}}

{{'[[Sponsor]]' | localizeString:'['}} #{{ $index + 1 }}

Total: {{sponsor.Price | currency}}

Additional Items


{{(vm.EventInfo.Terms.Donation || "Fundraising") + " Opportunities"}}

Campaign Name Item Description Amount
{{item.CampaignName}} {{item.Description + (item.ShowMinimumPrice && item.MinimumPrice ? " (Min: " + item.MinimumPrice + ")" : "")}}

Complete Registration


Terms & Conditions

No Show Policy

{{ vm.EventInfo.EventSettings.NoShowPolicy }}

Enter Promo Code

This event is synced to a webinar so no confirmation email will be sent from GrowthZone.

Thank you to our {{'[[Sponsor+]]' | localizeString:'['}}